Raspberry Pi Google Assistant With Sleek Wood Box #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Raspberry Pi Google Assistant With Sleek Wood Box #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi



Here is a fun project with a neat video walkthrough. Shared by adnii on Instructables:

In this instructable I’ll show how to build a DIY Google AI Assistant using a Raspberry Pi, USB Speaker and USB microphone. I’ll also show how to make the sleek hardwood box it’s housed in.

I’m assuming a basic knowledge of the linux operation system, raspberry pi and unix command line. If your new to raspberry pi there are plenty of good getting started tutorials here http://ift.tt/1GZoL1x and on instructables (:

If your not interested in woodworking. You can easily substitute the wooden box for something simpler, like a cardboard box or a plastic project box.

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August 11, 2017 at 09:02PM